Thursday, August 27, 2009
Reuben McBride

Sunday, August 23, 2009
Harriet Columbia Williams

Left - (Daughter) Mary Columbia McBride Melville (born 1867 Fillmore, Utah)
Center (Mother) Harriet Columbia Williams McBride ( born 1838 New York)
Right (Daughter) Harriet Mae McBride Carling (born 1865 Fillmore, Utah)
Reuben McBride and Mary Ann Anderson

Fillmore, Nov 1st/86
Dear Sister Martha,
I received your kind and welcome letter some time ago, but circumstances has been such that hindered me till now. The subject you wrote uppon (sic) is one of the greatest importance. The first work that I done for our dead relitives (sic) was done in Nauvoo, I think in the fall of 42, but you know, for you was there. Bro Joseph Smith made a bee and had the font in the temple filled with water from the wells. He said he wished me to be baptised (sic) in the font before I went back to Ohio. We met. Joseph spoke and the font was dedicated and he, Joseph, said, Blessed is the first man baptised in this font. Brigham Young baptised me. I was baptised six times. Joseph took off his mantle and wrapt it around me, took me in his carrage (sic), and drove to your house. He talked all the way goeing to you house and
Write as soon as you get this. God bless you.
Good Bye Your brother
Reuben McBride

Reuben and Mary Ann are buried in Fillmore, Utah.